jia xin came over before 8am and alif n ifa (i dunno how to spell her name) picked us up.
u must be wondering what the prudential services challenge (PS challenge) is about. so i'll try to explain. last year, PS came to our college and held a competition. since we were free, a few of my frens decided to take part in the competition.
the 1st round was a playstation game and jia xin won that. the second was called crack the code... i failed that. *malu* the last was rock climbing which alif aced.
then mana tahu, at the end of last year, we received calls saying that our group had made it into the finals at the curve this year! seriously, i have no idea how we got in -_-''
so anyways, back to my story.
jia xin & i, before changing into the shirt they provided.
camwhoring in the loo!
i love the loos at the curve! they always have full length mirrors! :D
the briefing sheet
after registering, we were told to come back by 10am for the flag off.
so we wandered about.
a random pic i took
this is what "the walk" looks like before vendors set up their stalls in the morning.
i can never say no when there's a nice backdrop =p
she wanted a pic too!
im not used to seeing "the walk" this empty
its usually crowded with vendors and pedestrians
PS booths
the stage
they even had security guards milling around. or maybe the security guards were just being sakai =p
the program sheet
ifa n alif
chay, stefenie, lily and eva!
their team made it too and they were in the same session as us!
eva wasnt feeling well, so she went home and stef took over.
on the way to mcd for breakfast, we passed thru the curve
its strange to see such a large shopping mall so empty
then we headed back for the final briefing
its was so hot :(
and finally, the race began!
here's how it works. in the beginning, they gave us a task sheet. on it is the 1st clue. then they flagged us off. the clue told us where the 1st destination was. once we reached that destination, we had to perform a task and regardless of if we completed the task or not, we would be given the nxt clue. if we passed the task, we would get a point, if not we dont get any points for that task.
we we're the 1st group the reach the 1st station, so we had a really good headstart on the rest. we kept that headstart until the end of the race when we finished 1st! however, we could not know if we won the competition because we were merely participants of the 1st session and there were many other sessions throughout the day. so in order to find out if we won, we had to return the next day.
jia xin n i
we could not believe we were the 1st in our session!
it was super tiring! we had to run from one corner of the curve to another to get to the stations before the others! chay's group was right behind us! oh yea, our groups name is really lame : "OBU Team". so when the mc read out our names, it was read out as obu instead of the letters o-b-u -_-"
so embarrassing! if we knew we were gonna make it into the finals, we would have gotten a better name. btw, incase u dont know, OBU stands for Oxford Brookes University which is the program we are studying at kdu.
for session one only la :(
after the race, we had a drink then jia xin n i split up with alif n ifa.
we went shopping!
big apple donuts
y are the blue lagoon donuts pink instead of blue??
we uncovered a new cupcake place at the curve!
i was kinda broke by then, so we only bought a cupcake each.
mine was butterscotch and something-else-of-which-i-cant-remember, but i do remember that it was good! so all u sweet-tooths out there, u know where to go!
its brand new, so they didnt even have chairs n tables yet -_-"
anyways, i told u i went shopping right?
ta da!!!
total damage:
a mr. perfect tshirt (its a present so i shall not reveal the price),
a "i have no idea what you're talking about" tshirt $28.80,
black shorts with faint stripes $31.40,
black a-line skirt for $29.90
free note book for spending $40 and above at a single shop,
free mcd toy
since the stuff i bought was fairly cheap, it doesnt look like spent alot, but if u total it up... o.O
M U S T___C O N T R O L___S E L F!!!
today, we went back to the curve to see if we won anything... we didnt :(
but before that i went to 1u with a fren. and joy of joys, zara was on a season clearance sale!!!
normally i wont even step into zara coz of the price, but when its on sale... all hell breaks lose!
i managed to control myself and i only bought one item tho.
a dress!
guess how much it cost!
omg... SO WORTH IT!!! :D
so im spreading the joy here.
girls, zara is on SALE!
ya la, i know this post is supposed to be about the PS challenge only, but isnt the sale sooo much more exciting? *bimbo pout*
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