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the restaurant that we had lunch in looked very nice and posh
we had to send the mantou back to be re-heated coz the insides were still frozen -_-"
we were still in zhuhai at that time.
after lunch we headed to macau.
i dunno wad this place is called. its the border between macau and zhuhai.
i broke a nail :(
back in macau again!
very portuguese inspired
oh gawd, i cant remember what this is
lesson to self: blog about a trip as soon as u come back, or write notes dammit!
its so unique -well, to me anyway =p
one of the bridges connecting the islands that make up macau
then the tour guide stopped at a scenic area for us to snap pics.
then she sent us off to the markets!
i didnt buy anything there though... :(
a random church
we were looking for the ruins of st paul actually, but came in here instead
it was small, but pretty in the way churches tend to be... am i making sense?? =p
even though i didnt buy anything, my dad did!
macau is famous for egg tarts!
they tasted amazing, but not as heavenly as i expected... either my expectations were to high, or i didnt go to the famous shop.
we had a buffet lunch at a casino ;)
lamb, beef, fish... good stuff!
*sigh* its 6pm and i havent even had lunch... looking at this is pure torture!
for 'em people who keep sending me invitations through facebook to play "texas hold 'em poker"
this is the real thing yo!
ok la, maybe not the real thing, but as close as i can get to taking a photo of the game... (no cameras allowed in casinos) =p
after lunch we wandered around outside to take pics.
if im not mistaken, we were at the Sands casino.
annoyingly tall chump n my mum
oh yea, i wasnt mistaken!
according to wikipedia, Sands Macau is the largest casino in the world!
however i didnt enter it coz my bro was underaged and he looked so sad. aww... see, who says i dont make sacrifices for my bro! i didnt enter the biggest casino in the world just for him ok! summore we were right at the entrance of the casino! now quickly say what a good sister i am! muahaha~ =p
i wasnt ready :S
still ready! =p
i guess it wasnt such a loss not entering the casino coz i got to camwhore ALOT =p
the architecture was built to impress...
and impress it did!
my, such tiny eyes he has! =p
this kinda reminds me of the card game "old maid".
my cuzzies used to have a deck of the game and one of the families was called "dabble" :D
if u squint very hard, u will see me at the other end -_-"
candid! =p
i shall capture the pearl! -_-"
fooling around...
chump n mum
me again!
spot the helicopter!
my mum presenting the restaurant signboard. LOL~
very pretty buildings
sharing is caring!
i wonder how many times this phrase has been used by all the wrong ppl...
uh, somehow that came out wrong. please dont misunderstand, i was refferring to people in their everyday lives and not to charities.
the building was too tall and i wasnt using one of those wide-lens cams.
but i admit i took too much floor *paiseh*
oh, how shapely my mum is! =p
fire hydrant!
they put sand bags to weigh the signboard down... i told u it was windy! =p
next up, a museum featuring all the gifts that macau received from other countries following their handover to china.
some of the gifts looked odd, but some looked absolutely beautiful!
and ALL were priceless.
made out of crystal and gold and gawd noes wad other material
huge-ass jade over crystal... at least i think its crystal. i know its not glass for sure!
gold birds...
hmm... me thinks they looks like "birds" in more ways than one =p
and exact replica of dunno-wad made without nails -just like the original
another huge-ass jade sundial
if i stole this and sold it, my family wouldnt need to work for several generations and still be able to be extravagant with expenses!
problem is, who can afford to buy it???
more jade...
umm.. i think i took this pic to show the amount of detail that went into the structure.
see, even the shutters are painstakingly carved.
the ethnicities of china
golden women playing musical instruments and dancing with pearls.
my mommy and her mommy
dont they look alike!
summore both wearing red. LOL~
oh yes, and there's a pretty golden thing at the back =p
i've had those portugese egg tarts from macau not bad! though i haven't got a chance to go visit the place myself! hey u really do have a good figure. i suggest u go flaunt it ;)
wow, thats a high compliment from someone who weighs less than me. haha~
ps: does camwhoring count? ;)
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