yes i know, this post is several days late. but i've been really busy and tired. sorry!
anyways, as most of u know, there was a youth '08 event held at pwtc on fri, sat & sunday.
i only went on saturday. the event i attended was the "traffic jam" held by nuffnang.
basically, it was a blogger party!
i was so excited coz i'd nvr been to a blogger event b4! *jumps up & down in excitement*
i got a very sporting fren (who wisely prefers to remain anonymous) to teman me there and look who's the 1st person we met!
su ann!
ron, she's even prettier in real life!
its 1am and i've got class at 9am so im kinda lazy to hunt down all their blogs and link them now. tomorrow k? promise!
*EDIT* the links have been linked! =p
i met both of them b4 the party started. so my fren n i browsed around looking at the other events.
they look too good to eat!
then i met...
nicole! her voice is soooo sweet! ok la, not only her voice, she herself is sweetness.
and as u can see, she's sooo tall!
the ppl in the blue shirts were giving out freebies!
i tell u, the place was littered with famous bloggers!
amazingly, she said my blog address was familiar to her.
omg, a famous blogger reads me! *faints*
or maybe she was just being polite -_-"
free food!
*gorges self malaysian style*
then i met su ann again and she was so friendly, she consented to abit of camwhoring, coz i looked bad in the previous pic we took.
as u can see, she looks so good in every photo
and me? haihh... i looked like me lar :(
timothy tiah aka boss stewie!
he's uber friendly. i was queuing to register when i saw him walk in. then i waved sakai-ly at him. he must have wondered who the hell is this crazy girl. but he still came and shook my hand and even chatted with me for a minute or two before rushing off.
we took this pic when i met him again during the party.
i think the guy on the left is justin, i dunno the name of the other guy.
and thats suanie in pink. we actually stood at the same table with her!
i felt so intimidated coz she has a huge personality i tell u! u can feel waves of her personality just rolling off her! (i mean this in the nicest possible way)
eventho we were at the same table, i didnt dare to talk much to her. *shy*
but so dumb la me, i wanted to take a pic with her and simon, but i didnt dare to ask -_-"
loads of bloggers
kenny sia, cheesie, su ann, nicole and justin (mc)
all three girls have such unique fashion sense. i wish i was half as daring and experimental as they are.
[there's supposed to be a pic of my fren n i with another blogger here, but the pic was removed for privacy purposes]
kenny sia!
ok la, "some" (yes, you sam =p) ppl must be so used to seeing him. but i still felt so sakai! =p
boss stewie on stage
they all won something, but i cant rmbr each achievement =p
bloggers doing what they always do, take pics!
me with the italk mascot!
honestly, i was actually quite afraid of the creature! creepy clowns anyone?
and thats all! i met several awesome bloggers, but too bad we couldnt chat longer. hope to see them around more often! :D
... this is so unfair......
Suan very friendly one why so shy to ask? You're at the same table with us. I'm not a famous blogger, you can always ask me, then I'll ask Suan and KY to take pics with you too.
i dunno y also but shy lar. haha~
maybe coz u were all like one group liddat, the rest of the bloggers were alone when i caught them.
hello amy :D hahaha eh please lah i dont look good in photos wan ok! i think you look so much better than me in all of our pictures!
No i wasn't being polite! Very sure i cheesed your blog before lolol!
you're the sweet one. Ppl usually say i have minnie mouse voice -.-
How come you never said hi to me.... =(
How come you never said hi to me.... =(
pinkpau: dont be so modest! ;)
ringo: haha~ thanks for cheesing it again!
nicocoa: i dunno wad minnie mouse sounds like wor. lol~
michelle: sorry! but u didnt say hi to me either :( nvm, i go ur blog now and say hi! =p
o so that's what my hair looks like from the back!
heh next time we camho k
sure, i'd be honoured to!
WoW! You actually took a pic with all the 4 big bloggers there...
Envy envy~~~
i thought u did too!
awww... im sure there will be other blogger events. i just hope i'll be able to attend them :S
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