goodness, this is like so last year already. LOL~
anyways, i'll make it brief since there are a ton of pics.
we got up early to have breakfast.
then we went to the zoo!
black swans
white swans and black n white swans
the ugly duckling
this bin may not be recycled =p
i like this pic...
oh look, unlike the previous bin, this one is recyclable! =p
(please note that im not serious -_-")
a wannabe artistic pic
*gasp* a treasure map!
i really like the way they drew everything in such detail
my mum n i while we waited for a train...
i dont think i look like me in this pic...
blardy sun was shining right at my face...
on the train!
grannie's fren, grannie n mommy!
chump n i
and off we went!
the zoo area that the train covered was made to simulate the animals real habitats.
peacock! (or is that a peahen?)
more camels
antelope! (if im not mistaken)
animals living happily(?) together
spot the peacock in the tree!
deers also
actually im not so sure if these are deers...
if u look carefully, the zoo keeper just threw meat for the bears, so there a lump of meat heading towards the bears.
spot the bears!
eagles or hawks... i cant rmbr...
i really should watch more national geographic...
we entered predator territory... *sinister music*
a lion n tiger lying side by side...
white tigers!
lion n lionesses
(beats me)
then we came across this really really dangerous species of animals!
the predators above all other predators...
evil to the core...
u sure ure ready to see them?
u might get nightmares...
ok, if ure sure, scroll on down...
muahaha~ =p
i dont know about u, but i think giraffes looks awkwardly graceful to me.
im well aware that its an oxymoron, but they're awkwardly tall, yet they exude an aura of grace. geddit geddit???
after the ride, we explored the rest of the zoo on foot.
various types of owls and some kinda tiny creature...
i used to have this plant at home, but i think its dead by now :(
when i was younger, the "berries" fascinated me very much.
haha... i cant be more detailed.
so adorable!
i wanna kidnap it then cast a spell on it so that it stays this size forever!
*changes mind*
this one is cuter!
*discards the previous one*
see, the baby tigers even have toys to play with!
different kinds of eggs....
slightly older white tiger cubs
so adorable!
im just guessing here... -_-"
yum yum...
the orang utan looks like a toy!
my mum wanted to take a pic with the adorable tiger cubs, so she paid and went in. we werent supposed to take our own pics, since they had a "professional" photographer, but i snapped a few anyway.
several famous ppl had their pics taken in that zoo with the animals before.
the rest didnt look familiar so i didnt take their pics =p
so many flamingos, its kinda freaky...
tsk tsk, what is the chump doing?
oh well, the monkey seems happy. =p
my grandma's so cute, she wanted a shot with the monkey too!
"stop the show when every monday"
we went to see a tiger show...
err... not the bangkok kind la!
i felt kinda bad for the performers coz the place was quite empty...
but the show was alright i suppose...
i dont really fancy looking at people whip animals :(
after visiting the zoo, we went for lunch!
damn... looking at all this food is making me drool...
*wipes chin*
after lunch, we went to a bee *searches for appropriate word* hivery. (my own word)
it was a place where they demonstrated how honey was collected and they sold honey there, but it wasnt the main production place for honey.
*shakes head at feeble explanation skills*
the flowers in china bloomed really prettily...
bees were buzzing all over the place!
we were in constant fear of being bitten!
i have no idea what this flower is, but its high on my list of favorite flowers!
it kinda looks like a rose... maybe its a type of rose. hmm...
i love this one too!
so people, u know wad kinda flowers to give me... *ahem*
after buying some honey, we trooped back into the bus.
im such a nice sister to post this pic up.
*curses the sun*
after a long ride, we stopped for dinner.
cute glasses! (umm.. are they called glasses or cups???)
i liked the deco...
minimalistic yet very classy!
waiting for food...
*stomach rumbles*
we were in zhu hai, so we went to the pier to take photos of the famous sculpture of a woman holding a pearl above her head.
i just realised that i dont have any pic of the sculpture... i was kinda preoccupied...
how much more self absorbed could a person get???
but in my defense, my dad was taking a gazzilion photos of the sculpture and i thought i could steal them from him, but it slipped my mind. =p
that night we stayed in the hotel of the naked ladies.
thats not its real name lar, just that all the sculpture and paintings in that hotel were of naked women.
there were more, but this is not a porn blog =p
the rooms we got in this hotel were bigger than normal.
empty space
for a hotel that uses the naked female form as decoration, its awfully strict about male female relations... -_-"
forer is foyer
it took me awhile to figure out what "nodis" was.
it suddenly hit me that it referred to the "do not disturb" lights located outside the rooms. (notice)
then i felt so smart for figuring that out. haha~ =p
nights readers!
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