but before i continue, i'd like to say a lil something. this year, i resolve to be more positive. last year i was subconsciously at war with myself the whole time. i despised so many things... from the college, to housemates, to my love life, to my over spending each month, my lack of motivation... basically everything. its so different from the bubbly amy that i used to be. this year, bubbly amy is gonna be back with a vengeance! :D
if i offended anyone last year, i apologize!
ok, we may now proceed. =p
umm... this entry is gonna be really jumbled up coz i really cant remember much of what happened that day, so im just gonna write down everything i remember about it before i forget even more!
im not very satisfied with the shopping tho, coz i didnt manage to buy much. most of the stuff was winter wear. horror of horrors, even my brother bought more than me!
beer bottle
i know many people hate him and think he's really ugly, but i happen to think he's pretty hot. so there! =p
looking pale...
the adults were so perplexed by my love of camwhoring, so my grannie gave it a shot too! LOL!
chump n i
evil brinjal!
i thought it was pork or something and i excitedly stuffed it into my mouth. then i discovered that it was brinjal! eughhh!!!
our hotel room that nite:
3 beds coz my bro n i shared with my grandma. we slept according to this arrangement for all the hotels except one. for the exception, my grannie was given an extra room.
ALL happiness and enjoyment starts from your feet.
funny, i thought it came from the heart. =p
my grannie was in the loo, so i had nothing to do... chump helped me camwhore!
i was trying to do a wannabe yoga pose...
ta da!
eggtarts that we bought while shopping earlier
looks good huh?
here's a closeup!
cute shower gel dispenser
my mums sweater that i stole and used as pjs!
it even doubles as a very mini, mini dress! =p
the electrical sockets were interesting...
really economical on space and wiring
a silk factory that we were taken to lunch time...
a very well maintained table cloth -_-''
the place looked like any other chinese restaurant nothing particularly nice...
i forgot to take a pic of the food b4 we dug in =p
a jar i found sitting on a shelf outside the toilet. preserved snake anyone?
i think this was called park of yellow flowers or something.
it was built to commemorate the heroes of a rebellion or something like that. sorry, my memory sucks!
it was very pretty...
a bridge that kinda forces u to pay tribute... (no offense intended)
ppl taking advantage of the scenery to shoot a tai ji video
got statute of liberty in china too!
they put it there to symbolise freedom -if im not mistaken
i guess the pyramid-like structure did rather invite climbing...
then we went to museum. we werent allowed to take pics in the museum, but i did manage to catch this!
gambling outside the museum!
i was so afraid they would hear the sound of the camera :S
then off we were to some hill...
chump interpreted this sculpture as rather obscene...
no more pics!
luckily i have pics, if not i would completely forget everything that happened during the trip!
tonight i didnt have dinner coz i wanted to buy ramly burger but the stall was closed :(
then i thought that i might as well not eat coz i gained weight during the hols and my stomach is protruding like crazy. besides, karen and resh told me that recently they didnt eat for nearly 2 whole days, and another fren of mine didnt eat dinner nor lunch the nxt day, so i thought if they could all do it, surely i can do without dinner for one day!
then a few hours later, my tummy rumbled and i gave in. i ate 3 tim tams. so much for dieting huh? chis, with an apetite like mine, i'll never be able to successfully diet!
to those of u that made fun of my tummy (u noe who u are!) u think ure so thin urself? humph! =p
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