ok, dis is gonna be a long post. mostly coz of the photographs. =p
so if the sight of my shameless camwhoring disgusts u, i suggest u leave immediately or subject urself to pure torture. have a nice day. :D
they say twins have some sort of ESP. i like to tink (ok, maybe i dun relli like to tink dis, but it sounds nice to say "i like to tink") dat my elder sis n i have ESP too.
she took dis photo months ago
i took dis photo a few days ago wifout knowing that she took the above photo.
not only dat, but we both happened to use it as our display picture ON THE SAME DAY.
so its only natural dat if this:

happened to her, it wud happen to me too.
i woke up wif a massive cowlick no, make dat an elephantlick today.
ok, back to the story.
dis is stella!
she was rather cam shy during the 1st few times we tried out clothes, but as u'll see, im bad influence. *grins* (edine n feng are proof!!!)
(oh yes, my new mantra is "if u cant buy it or wont usually wear it, but love it, IMMORTALIZE it." a.k.a camwhore la!) i muz be every sales girls nitemare... i try on tons of clothes but rarely buy anything. =p
our first shop, roxy.
we din look nice in the clothes so only 1 pic.
then we went to edwin
dun ask, u dun wanna noe.... =p
while i was waiting for stella to decide if she wanted to buy one of the tops there, i decided dat the red wall was an ideal backdrop for camwhoring.
i even got her to pose for a shot!
*i feel my influence beginning to work*
nxt we popped into blook. where i spotted dis relli cute red dress n made stella wear the same dress as me. :D
when she wore it, she felt the "attitude" vibe.
but i felt very "stepford wives-ish"
the elephantlick is so blardy obvious. :(
its all dat hair sticking out on the right side of my head.
stella say's dis top is very me. is it?
but i dun normally wear dis kind of tops. -_-"
then shih yang called n we met up at:
gary n shih yang
i tink tea looks nicer in these glasses...
(or maybe its coz the glasses here r cleaner than the ones im used to using at kopitiams. -_-")
my food
the boys had the same thing
lala's food
then we noticed sth...
kidal also.
shih yang was the only right-handed one at the table. lets laugh at him! muahaha~~ coz usually right-handed ppl outnumber kidal ppl. =p
iiiiiiinteresting. *sakai*
i was trying to take a pic of the surroundings but apparently i over-influenced sumbody.
after lunch, we split up from the boys n did some more
at the padini concept store (i tink dats wad its called, but im not too sure.)
stella began to tink she was a photographer.
(i dun even like dat dress...)
damn poser...
she make me do this then still dare to laugh! *whack*
i sed "if i muz pose, then u muz be in the pic too!" =p
then she made me pose wif these hideous jeans!
*tries to cover face in shame*
fine. nah... happy?
(every1 muz be so sick of my pics by now. i wonder at dis point how many have already puked on their keyboards...)
preservere dear readers! there will be less shots of me alone from dis point on!
(learn, presevere, suceed. lodge sch motto. wtf)
i like dis photo... we look soo close. :)
maybe we cud pass as sisters. *kicks cherie off the family tree* =p
we moved on to p&co
pastel tops... we bought them coz they looked so sweeeet. :)
love dis pic!
and this too!
(blardy elephantlick!!!!)
nice picture! ofcoz la... i took it wad. =p
wannabe artistic photo.
shaddap if u find nothing artistic in this photo
then we nearly skipped island shop coz i find it quite boring.
but luckily we didnt! coz we both found dresses dat we fell in love wif... (such a touching love story rite? *sniff sniff*)
ta da!
she loves it coz its so cute n its relli comfy!
she also liked it coz it was versatile (it cud be used for both formal n casual wear)
BUT it was EXPENSIVE. (rich ppl shaddap, i dun wanna hear about how reasonable the price is.)
i loved it coz... it was super comfy! summore it was so spacious dat i cud be pregnant underneath n nobody wud noe! muahaha~ the length also made me feel so grown up. :)
the price? i din even bother to look.
waiting for stella to change...
(i love island shop fitting rooms! uber spacious! can camwhore comfortably! -_-")
oh well, she learnt from the best, she learnt from me. *continues singing the song * (except dat in the song its the other way round...)
oh stella, ure welcome. *curtsies*
then we went to forever21
stella looks nice, but i look pregnant. eughh~
stella's dresses were soo sweet.
i wanted to be sweet too.
*tries too hard*
the fitting room was not too bad. good lighting n roomy enuf.
miss selfridge was nxt
i liked the hook. but it looks kinda like roxy doncha tink?
we are pheasants.
the fitting room damn small! *curses* (shameless... go ppls shop to camwhore, dun buy anything n still dare to complain about the size of their fitting rooms. =p)
i saw the sales lady coming so we had to close the curtain n camwhore within the tiny space.
lets go cook n do laundry already.
the clothes were so fugly dat it spoiled our mood to camwhore.
stella took out her phone n i was suddenly reminded of my old phone dat got robbed from me. *emo for awhile*
my seat was facing the ppl walking past.
so i changed place wif stella.
so dat i cud curl up in my chair in an uncivilized manner. =p
lamb stew
beef hot pot
i initially wanted the oxtail soup. but they were out-of-stock. :(
we hung out there lazily drinking out soup. then shih yang met up wif us again. so we walked around aimlessly for abit. owh ya, stella juz cudnt forget the blue dress, so we went back n she bought it. lolz~
yo! pimp my ride!
(we wanted to do a more car showgirl-ish pose, but go soo many ppl n KIDS. so paiseh to do. =p)
we met up wif stella's concorde frens for dinner at:
guess wad i ordered.
ppl who noe me can answer dis 1 wifout tinking. HAHA~
stingy ppl order plain water only
group pic!
shih yang, stella, sheue yng, yun mei, sue anne, istee n i
bottomless nachos
err... i kinda forgot to take pics of my food till we were half-way done. (i shared wif stella so dat we wud have space for dessert. =p)
i ordered lamb shank!
(if u got it rite, give urself a pat on the back! or die trying. muahaha~)
other ppls food. i din relli noe them, so paiseh to take pic of thier food individually.
(as if i nvr see food b4)
our dessert...
was an orgasmic delight. :D
after dinner, stella, shih yang n i met up wif gary for drinks at a mamak. no pics coz i was afraid dat my cam wud attract robbers. (once bitten, twice shy) i din wanna test my luck for a few mamak pics. =p
then gary kindly sent me home. (save taxi fare! muahaha~)
im gonna sleep liaw. been uploading pics since 10pm. its now 4am. im gonna blackout soon.
whoah... thats.. alotta pictures......
i realize. hehe~
Forgive me if I must say this, but SOMEONE OUGHT TO REPORT YOU to some kinda authority! hahaha :)
i noe la... shameless rite? =p
Me haha i posted the same one twice! :) JK Lah... those clothes are meant to be TRIED on anyways right? ;)
this is like watching lord of the rings wei. So freakin long.
u should make a movie.
The Two Camwhores
or The return of the Camwhore
or the Fellowship of the Camwhores
man. im lame hahaha
ron: yup! they r soo meant to be tried on!
ivan: yes u are. =p but wait... the return of the camwhore/ fellowship of the camwhores is coming rite up! stay tuned! =p
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