i began taking pics at the airport, but i accidentally deleted those. opps. =p
btw, i took airasia.
wonder wads so amazing about dat neck pillow... *shrugs*
dis was taken at the conveyor belts where we were to collect our luggage.
supposed to be ironic i tink... -_-"
here's to all the spongebob fans
a random pic at the famous amos store
(btw, in case u get the wrong idea, i hate spongebob. but sum1 i noe is crazy about it)
the obligatory starbucks pic.
nearly every kuching blogger has a pic of starbucks... so i tot wad the heck. n took the escalator upstairs juz to take dis pic. -_-"
when i got home, i saw several artistically arranged green *searches for suitable word* branches (?) protruding from the grass in the garden.
can u see them?
(there are 5)
i later learned that they were dragon fruit shoots.
then a tiny thought occured to me... my dad juz found out dis yr dat liked eating purple dragonfruits... cud it be? juz for me? *sniff*
my lunch:
kolo mee!
it doesnt look dat tasty coz its ta pau-ed, but trust me, it was good.
lou po peng!
i love!
ltr dat evening, we had dinner at 'the banquet'.

my short bro n i.

my mum usually does the ordering coz she's the one dats patient enuf to ask wad every1 wans to eat, then figures out how to cater for our different tastes. haha~ =p
the place is pretty big.
i like how spacious it is.
i also liked the changing lights on the wall.


pink! (there were other colours too, but ppl were beginning to stare -_-")
so i dragged my bro outside to camwhore in the fading sunlight.

here r sum pics of the food!
after eating, i visited the loo...

*misses hair*
nice lights!
then i met an ex-lodgian!

then we went home n my bro tortured me wif his violin playing.

his violin cost $2450 originally
but was knocked down to $1800
imagine wad I cud do wif dat $$$!
jill, i'll do ur tag ltr k? my bro's sulking to get onto the com.
i cant reply on the chatterbox for the time being coz my home com doesnt allow pop-ups. sorry! but i'll reply as soon as i can!
u shud see the guy's toilets at banquet...damn nice! haha. ok..don't ask me how i know that :P
haha~ i'll take ur word for it!
waah.. such an inspiration lah..
..the loo..
hey! do i sense sarcasm? *whack!* =p
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