yesterday i went to the dentist... boy was he ruthless! he was oblivious to the fact dat gums have nerve endings and dat they are capable of bleeding. i shall not mention his name incase he decides to sue me. *cough*klinikGOH*cough*
after my mum sent my bro n i home, i blogged for awhile, then was chased off the com by my bro. *glares*
i was so bored coz i'd finished my books n had nothing to do, so i called up ivan for a favour. :D
he picked me up n we went to carpenter st to buy wei chao's pressie, then since we still had awhile to go b4 it was time to send edine off, we went for ice kacang! :D
he says i nvr post nice pics of him... nah! =p
ice kacang on a hot day... blissssss
my student is learning well... (camwhoring)
we arrived at the airport b4 the rest n took the opportunity to tell edine dat she had only 2 frens (us). but the rest soon arrived. haha~
feng thinking: y is edine still here?
she's such a weirdo i tell u...
edine, mel, feng
check out steph's sexy heels!
they were so shiny! =p
here edine, u can rip the pics off me like u always do anyway
y is she smiling such a perverted mischievous smile?
in the meanwhile, here are a few camwhoring shots. =p
pretending-to-be-casual-n-candid shots:

then lik called n thought dat nobody knew dat it was him, except dat everyone knew. -_-"
then lik called n thought dat nobody knew dat it was him, except dat everyone knew. -_-"
eventually, the phone was passed to me, so i passed my cam to bernie.
mel: omg! its THE ivan!
ivan: cheh~ juz another fan...
ivan, sardine, me
bernie's "artistic" shot
rmbr i mentioned earlier dat edine abused her lil cousin?
i kid u not! (pun intended)
*wonders how many child labour laws edine has broken*
potato =p
actually steph saw her 1st. haha~
any1 recognize her? ;)
aww... i noe u'll miss me! =p
dat nite, we had a party to celebrate edine's departure. (gosh, im soo mean! =p)
albert n ivan
i tink i intruded upon their intimacy. LOL~
i din order anything coz i ate b4 i went.
actually i wasnt even supposed to go!
but my mum relented. :D
juz one tiny glass n i was tipsy!
i cant even do my trademark pose properly!
*shrivels of embarrassment*
to get to the carpark, we had to cross the pub...
doin his homework summore!
dun play play!
cute menu!
goin shopping wif stella ltr. =p
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