these are the rather belated pics from the trip to sunway.
min yuen n i in the car.
the queue to buy tix.

caroline. she saw the cam n immediately posed.
dis was taken b4 we even greeted each other!
escalator shots!
we rented locker to store our stuff. wei chao chose 88.
it was a lucky locker.
no kidding coz...
there was a free bottle of suntan lotion inside!
then we took off our outer layers of clothes n i got every1 to camwhore b4 we swam coz i was gonna leave my cam behind. (i din wanna wet it or get it stolen)
caroline, camwhore, min yuen, wei yee
(i wish i had the guts to wear a bikini! even wei yee's is a tankini!)
candid shots!


then us girls again!
min yuen, camwhore, wei yee, caroline
then wei chao wanted to take pics too!
wannabe sexy
silly faces
after camwhoring, we went to play! n we played till we nearly quite literally dropped. -_-"
it was about 4pm when we stopped n we hadnt even had lunch yet!
dis is us all wet!

mr. hamsap =p

dis was after we bathed.

we headed into sunway pyramid for FOOD. but 1st... a few pics! :D

the scariest ride there.
im fine with rollercoasters, but rides like dis are not quite so fun...
actually there was a scarier ride than dis sumwhere else in the park, but we were to tired n hungry to hunt for it, juz to take a pic of it. =p
fooling around

camwhore, caroline, min yuen, wei yee
(in case u cudnt recognize them wif their clothes on =p)
a random lil girl
(wei chao took dis pic... *cough*paedophile*cough*)
bell (duh!)
leaving the theme park...
(spot the amy!)
i dunno y is wei yee looking so happy... we were supposed to be looking sad coz we wanted the stuffed toys. haha~
dis is the tag they made us wear. the fine for losing dis is $10.
i suspect they changed from the regular paper wrist tags to dis so dat ppl cud lose these tags n they wud earn $$$. *glares*

err... i dunno who dat short plump girl in purple is...
howdy mate!
extremely random
or maybe not so random...
the route back was scenic...

we parted at the carpark to put our stuff into the cars. wei chao n caroline had my cam. so they helped me take a few pics.
nice car!
i love the pearl-ish glow! (especially the way u can see a hint of purple!)
they reached kim gary 1st.

then wei chao started camwhoring...
but i spotted it!
i rushed in!
just in time!
gosh... im incurable!
i like the colour theme there!
we fooled around abit while waiting for the food...
so pretty!
finally the food arrived!
we were famished!
dessert arrived 1st. (i have no idea y they serve dessert 1st unless its supposed to be an entre)
wei chao's mango-dunno-wad
my borsh soup!

min yuen n i had milk fruit juice.
it sounded funny, but i ordered it coz i needed the milk.
being surrounded by assets had given the self-esteem of my deficits a serious trashing.
their soup bowls n tea cups are the same size!
the waitress is pretty!
(see, im so nice to u male readers! sorry female readers, but the waiters werent particularly good looking.)
their famous cheese baked rice
dis photo was supposed to emphasize how slowly i was eating compared to him.
but u guys cant see the food clearly tho.
amy: bla bla bla... n then rite... bla bla bla...
them: shut up and eat!!!
amy: :(

i FINALLY finished!
then we all left our separate ways. except min yuen n i coz she was sending me home. :D
cool stuff in cases...
the view was pretty!
notice the golden line of lights at the back?
:Deven the view while we exited in the car was pretty!

a tad ott tho... (over the top)
today, my mum was going to get her hair washed. so i followed hercoz juz i love goin to the saloon n having my hair done . she was going to her usual place, but i wanted to try a diff place coz i like trying diff saloons. so i suggested 'cutting edge'. but she sed she'd been there b4 n dat it was expensive n the service was bad. so i sed y not try 'ah lung'. (coz i suddenly remembered jill saying dat caleb worked there) so we did.
a tad ott tho... (over the top)
today, my mum was going to get her hair washed. so i followed her
n caleb was relli there! HAHAHA! i tot he mite not be there coz it was a saturday n all, but he was! he washed my hair! apparently i was the 1st customer to get hair washed by him. lucky me. -_-"
i cant honestly say dat it was the best hair wash i ever got... but it sure was fun... to insult his non-existent skills n stuff... LOL!
our convo at one point:
(he was trying to insult me by saying dat i had a soft skull)
caleb: ur skull's so soft i can can feel ur brain. *jabs*
amy: ow! my ear!
caleb: i was wondering wad dat was.
LUCKILY he was not the one dat cut my hair!
overall, i'd have to say dat the place isnt dat good. (sorry crab!) the service was kinda slow n it was also expensive. i cant say much about my haircut coz everytime after i cut my hair, i worry n fuss about it for a few days. so it wont be fair to comment on it while im still at dat stage. =p
BUT... do go if u wanna see a hot shampoo boy. im serious. too bad gkho already quit or there wud be 2 there. (too bad they're both already very much taken!) =p
i forgot to bring my cam so no pics for now, i'll transfer them from my mum's phone ltr.
dis is wad my hair looks like now.
nice? NICE? NICE???
*starts panicking*
dis pic was taken on the way to a dinner function. more pics from dat nxt time.
on the way home from the dinner:
me: OH CRAP!
mum: wad?? did u leave ur phone behind??
me: i juz realised my hair looks a bit like caroline's!
mum: -_-"
oh well... i guess its not DAT similar...
i'll post up pics from yesterday as soon as im free again! stay tuned!
Among all the girls ive seen...i say the small pink lil girl is the hottest. HAHA. Cant see the waitress face porperly le. Y din ask her to pose? haahaha :D
haha... u paedophile! =p
she'd (waitress) be so freaked out. lol~
i cant chat in my chatterbox for the time being. my home come doesnt allow pop-ups.
wooo.. havent been to sunway theme park since i was form 3... after PMR.... thats.. like.. 6 years ago?
so ure in ur 3rd yr in uni? haha~
lolz. the service slow cause 3 ppl are not around la. haha.
wah interesting pics..!
After scrolling through all those food, I tried to compare your last pic with your first pic near the title, but your size is still the same. Why aaar..?
aye.. precisely.. 3rd year uni :D
anywayz.. kim gary's seem to have changed.... its interior...
omg.. when i was at sunway college i used to go there all the time!! it looks soo different!!!
crab: actually the service is slow coz YOU are around. LOL~ =p
iwan: haha... u tink gaining weight is instantaneous mer? LOL~
wilzc: haha... i have no idea wad it used to look like coz the 1st time i went there was only last yr. =p
last time i went there was... when i was in sunway... 4 years ago... :P
haha... then i bet lotsa other things changed too. =p
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