friday was a busy day. i woke up early in the morning (well, early for me) n din go back home till after 1am. (since then, my mum has imposed a 11pm curfew for me. :( )

stella n i wearing matching tops dat we bought when she came to kl.
dats my room in the background. i sleep on the upper bunk. :)
we went to watch rush hour 3 at star. it was a school day so the cinema was rather empty. i took the opportunity to fool around. =p

im homer!

she's the rat!

we wore matching earrings dat normah gave me for my bdae! im wearing the purple pair n she's wearing the pink pair! :D
i even saw phey feng's shop at tun jugah!
aduh... y u open shop dun even tell me? =p
then stella n i parted coz she had a dinner to attend. leonard (it is spelt like dis rite???) n josh picked me at mcd n we went to ivans hse to meet up wif the rest. (sorry, no pics of ivan's crib coz we left once we got there.)
bernie's car!
feng, edine n yi chieh were in it.
when i wanted to join them coz it was all girls, feng shouted NO! i felt so unwelcome. *sobs*
(actually it was coz bernie's aircon spoilt n it was already relli stuffy wifout adding me into the heat. =p)
we went to watch a football match! my 1st live match! all i can say was dat it was relli... relli... boring. =p
i barely knew who were playing. it was youth's cup anyway.

my $12 ticket dat i havent repaid josh for. =p
the 1st match was dunno-who against munich.
click to enlarge n maybe u can make out who the other team is.
edine's very happy coz the burger was only $1 -_-"
edine n i... she's not smiling coz she tinks she's cool. =p
feng n i
so we girls sat there bored witless (except maybe yi chieh)
feng kept wanting to do the wave, but the game was too boring to do initiate dat. haha~
and so we sat... as the sky got darker n darker...
i spotted sum1 who was rather lost...
spiderpig, spiderpig, does wadever a spiderpig can!

i tot she was gonna hit me.
the guys were so excited... 0.o
footballers shud become actors, the way they roll around on the ground in agony.
our malaysian pitch is so sad, dat ppl had to go onto the field during half-time to sprinkle sand onto the ground to even it out.
lovely field...
see the patch of water on the track?
its a pot hole. wad kinda track has pot holes in it???
(technically its not directly on the running track itself, but u get wad i mean...)

munich won.
then the players for the nxt match came onto the field.
the msian players ran from one side of the field to the other, raising their arms and expecting roars of appreciation. they werent dissapointed. (talk about pimping it!)
we din use flash coz every1 was already staring at "the freaks who are camwhoring at a football game"
we din wanna attract even more stares. -_-"
so we retreated to our seats to camwhore. :D
(hey! we were bored ok!)
phey feng n i did dis 1st.
but it reminded ivan of my "shocked look"
we even roped josh into the pic.
i swear ivan is obsessed wif the shocked look. 0.o
then we tried another look.

i shall call dis the "no..." look
(imagine russell peters imitating the china man: "nooo....")
yi chieh n i
then the break was over.
the msian team took photos while chelsea warmed up.
the msian team's bottles. (the green dots on the field)
chealsea's bottles. -_-" (so much more organised)
however, for those dat expected msia to lose...
they didnt...
but they din win either =p
towards the end of the match the crowd got so excited.
but i din manage to relli capture the excitement.
they all sat down by the time i got my cam out. -_-"
after the game, we went to feng's hse where feng n i showered. then we went to edine's hse. where bernie n edine showered

freshly showered in edine's hse.
im wearing the same thing coz i din bring any extra stuff, coz i din expect to be showering at sum1 elses hse. haha~
i like edine's kitchen.
but u cant relli see it coz it was late at nite n most of the lights were off n i din use flash. =p
but wad i relli relli like is her tv room!
(warning: severe camwhoring pics ahead!)

then we rediscovered the joys of the self-timer =p
*childish voice: i dun fwen u!*

wannabe charlies angels.
the last angel is off on an assignment so knot participate in the publicity photoshoot. (wth!)

wannabe egyptians
then the evil bernie emerged from the bathroom!

u wanna fight?!
(muahaha... he looks so "pai" in dis pic)
in the car...
we went to hilton for hot chocholate.
apparently the hot chocolate there is now very famous coz its been pimped by kenny sia.
these pics of senso r for feng coz she was wearing shorts n slippers n din dare to enter. =p
i din use flash coz enuf ppl were already staring at the "freak who came in juz to take pics"
we met adrian there!

cheh~ knot take a decent pic!
i liked the deco on the wall!
*caresses wall*

then they wanted to take a pic too.
when we went out of senso, our hot choc had arrived.
cool stuff

he's my protege... he's gonna become a camwhore too!
muaahaha~ *evil laugh*
see the melted chocolate drip...
we all ordered the same thing. (besides, at $7, its one of the cheapest drinks on the menu!)
bernie, edine, feng, only-person-not-in-black
edine, feng, me, ivan, leonard (josh went home dy)
since for all our hot choc was made by melting the choc stick shavings into the milk, i sugested dat ivan pour the milk onto the choc instead! (i noe, brilliant arent i?)
he pours,
but he decides dat he's not wierd enuf. so...
he pours it back into the milk jug. (teh tarik comes to mind)
then i suggest dat he does my trademark pose!
good student! haha~
err... i dunno dat monster.
then my bladder was warning me, so i went to the senso loo.

quite nice!

i juz had to do it... (camwhore)
i like the tiles they used on the wall...

light purple... n pinkish too...
they sent dis card wif the bill.

got 6 stamps already!
i immediately snatched it! =p

the other side of the card...
tantalising... ;)
cafe cino
the chocs on display!
n dats all for friday!
JILL tagged me.
JILL tagged me.
Here are the rules:
1. Each blogger must post these rules first.
2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
so here goes...
1. im left-handed (since the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, only left handed ppl r in their right minds! =p) but i play sports wif my right hand. i dunno y either. =S
2. i dont or rather, CANT drink soft-drinks. coz it burns my throat in a most uncomfortable way. for this same reason i cant do the "bottoms up" for alcohol. but i do drink soft drinks once in a while, usually when im relli thirsty n have no alternative.
3. i love dancing. its for this reason dat i enjoy clubbing. some ppl go juz to drink n get drunk, i go for the dancing. i love almost all forms of dancing (i juz dun get shuffling!). when i was younger i learnt chinese dancing n ballet. i stopped those after i left form 5. im currently learning salsa n belly dancing.
4. im a bookworm. last time in school, whenever we were described by each other in the sch mag, i was always the bookworm. -_-" i've loved reading since young. while other ppl's mum wud try their best to get their kids to read, my mum wud try her best to pry me away from my books. LOL~ but i guess it runs in the family coz my mum n siblings love reading too. i started getting hooked onto the fantasy genre when i read my 1st raymond e. fiest book in form 2 (?) and have been a fan of fantasy books ever since. my fave author is robert jordan(the wheel of time). im currently reading shaman's crossing by robin hobb. :D
5. i dont eat fries. actually i dun eat lotsa other stuff too. like spring onions. i dont like most garnishes. im kinda picky with food. (dats y i usually cook my own dinner instead of goin out to eat when im studying in kl) i used to be worse, but now i've learnt to accept most foods. HOWEVER...
6. i have a weakness for desserts! no matter how blardy full i am, i always manage to stuff down some dessert. :D
7. im a camwhore. but i tink u guys have already guessed dat. (unless ure exceptionally dense...) but u guys dunno the story behind my camwhoring do u? i'll share dat story someday, but not in dis post. =p a die hard romantic. i believe in all kinds of mushy fairytales. i also believe dat there's such a thing as true love. =p
now to tag 8 ppl...
i tag whoever who hasnt done this! (coz i tink im one of the last to do dis n every1 has already done it -_-")
whoah... picture overload...
my pc nearly crashed.. =P
WAHHH when did chelsea go malaysia???? wadafak?? and they didnt score? WADAFAK?!?!?!
hmmm ur camera has good zoom..
last time i went 2 watch Singapore play Malaysia, and the singapore medic/physio was a girl and she was rather hot.. with her tight lycra pants n all.. wanted 2 snap her.. but all i got was a blob of colours...
haha... i noe i always say less pics nxt time, but i discovered dat i cant help myself, so i wont say dat dis time. LOL~
haha... chill... it was only youth cup anyway.
LOL~ too bad there werent any good looking ppl there for my "viewing pleasure".
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