i noe i do!
recently, i received nail polish n lipstick for absolutely no occasion at all n im loving it!!!
presents make me a happy happy girl! *grins*
n its not juz any nail polish n lipstick ok, the nail polish is from sally hansen n the lipstick is from elizabeth arden.
dun play play ar!
i forgot to take pics of the nail polish, but lets drool at the lipstick!
its the sample dat they use at makeup counters.
so kewl! (hey! its brand new la! in sealed packets summore!)
*feels sakai*
actually, i dun relli use lipsticks, but now i'll have something to use when the occasion arises! (instead of always borrowing ppl's makeup or using lip gloss only. -_-")
they're called "brown sugar" n "pink twilight"!
*jumps around in joy*
lets move on to more sobering thoughts.
*stops jumping mid-air n crashes to the ground*
i dun relli like my timetable dis term. coz from monday to wednesday, classes r early in the morning and im not much of a morning person. :(
besides dat, our subjects dis term seem rather tedious (unless ure a law fanatic like ron =p)
we have equity n trusts, land law and law of tort, not to forget the constitutional law dat i have to retake dis sem. oh yes, there's one more subject which sounds marginally more excitement inducing compared to the rest. its... sexuality n the law. 0.o
i have a feeling its gonna mostly be about gays n lesbian rights.
on second thought, i tink tort shud be quite interesting. at least i hope so!
i checked my unmoderated results dis morning. i passed contract n borderline passed criminal. :D
but its still too early to be happy, coz my fren sent me a msg saying dat my teacher (the eternal optimist) says dat she tinks the moderators will pull down our marks. :(
*keeps fingers crossed*
my 2nd day here n im already bored to bits. :(
i was so bored, i even attempted to watch meteor garden2 juz now. but it got kinda draggy n boring. *sigh*
i feel so lazy... u noe wad wud cheer me up? more pressies! anybody feeling generous? anyone? anyone???
darn! lol~
since im so bored, i shall bring up a random topic. flowers. do all girls relli like flowers? i noe i do, but there are some girls dat claim (who noes if they relli mean it) dat they dun like receiving flowers coz they are old-fashioned or kolot or coz they arent permanent.
but i tink they're lying! *points accusing finger* if u relli like sum1, u'll be happy wif wadever gift dat they give u, as long as they are sincere in giving it. summore, flowers r sweet wad. unless ofcoz, the girl is so used to receiving gifts dat she has become jaded. but dats a diff matter.
bah, im such an idealist. *slaps self*
anyway, i was talking to a certain girl today, n she has nvr received flowers b4 despite having had boyfriends b4, and, she was longing for flowers. so boys, give ur girl flowers! but i dun tink her bf reads my blog, so lets juz forget dis whole paragraph. -_-"
its 11.43pm... shud i sleep now? i din sleep very well last nite... but sumhow i always feel so reluctant to sleep b4 1am. summore sum1 was supposed to chat wif me but i dun tink they're on9. :(
is it emo-ness dat im sensing from myself? i tink it is. dis is wad happens to bored ppl who refuse to sleep. let dis be a lesson to all of u. haha~
and to tink dis post started out on such a happy note. -_-"
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