i'll post the other half on sunday :)
i took this from the archway in kdu
the day b4 valentines day, a few of us students helped out to decorate the archway. it looked really pretty and i wanted to take a pic of it, but my cam has been on strike recently, so i only managed to take a pic of these hearts :(
everyone wrote valentines msges on the hearts and that was my msg! =p
my valentines day pressie!
from wei yee :)
every valentine's day she gives her frens chocs. so sweet rite? thanx girl!
(actually i havent even finished last yrs chos yet. LOL~)
from anonymous:
a rose and lollipop!
i was talking to chay when eva suddenly gave this to me. from anonymous she said.
then i didnt believe her and asked if it was them who bought it for me.
she said no. i still didnt believe it was from a guy and asked if it was from another group of my female frens. then she sed no.
then i asked stef who gave it. she sed it was from an admirer. i asked if my frens bought it for me (charity rose). then she sed no, it was definitely a male. but they wont say who!
*sigh* i soo wanna believe it was really an admirer (exciting wad. i've nvr had a secret admirer b4 ok!) but sumhow i have a lil feeling that its really from my frens. but when i asked them, they all convincingly said no!
is it or is it not from an admirer???
muz be from my frens la. impossible such a good thing cud happen to me -_-"
Aiyo, have some confidence mah. You are quite attractive mah, so got secret admirer is normal.
I solemnly promise on my boy's name that it was NOT from us!
LOL! it hurts actually to pretend to believe that its from a secret admirer, because sometimes its too good to be true (at least in my case). I've been there too x_x
simon, its just that i dun wanna have high hopes then be disappointed :(
flo, ok ok! i trust u.
iwan *high five*
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