im soo in love with...
cats whiskers
after hearing alot about the boutique and sometimes glimpsing their items in mags, i finally got to visit one of their boutiques with caroline n jo today!
even better, they were having a major sale!!!
(normal ppl show off about buying expensive clothes, but i show off about buying cheap clothes -_-")
i absolutely adore sales! anybody who looks down on sales is an idiotic bigot. muahaha~
everything in the shop is 30% off.
except for skirts and shoes.
those are a freaking 50% off!!!
once the sales girl told me that, i went crazy!
ok la, i wished i did, i after paying $530 for my ielts, all i had left for the rest of my week was $70 :(
so as much as i wished i could buy more items, i ended up buying only 2.
original price:$35
after discount:$24.50
the light purple part is stretchy. so i can either wear it as a normal top, off one shoulder, or off both shoulders. super versatile! plus, its purple! :D
i've been itching to buy a pair of heels for eons!!!
this is because i tend to buy strappy heels, but recently, i've been craving heels that are all covered up. so far, the ones i've found are either painful to wear, too expensive, or they are perfect save for a huge ugly motif sewn/stuck onto them (i hate it when that happens).
and i FINALLY managed to find a pair deserving of my feet! =p
3.5inches of gorgeousness :D
i heart! <3
jo bought a pair of heels too! the pair she bought were my first choice, but they didnt have my size. luckily for her, the last pair was her size!

its on the top row, 2nd from the left. except that its in white and the picture barely does it justice!
here are some random updates!
rmbr the super cheap nail kit i got the other day?
feeling extremely sakai-ly and bimbotic-ly excited, i painted my nails on saturday night.
ta da!
its been 4 days, and my nails still look pretty! (which is really rare coz im relli careless and my nail polish always chips in days.)
ok, they're obviously not as nice as cheesie's (thats like a whole different level!), but im no where as creative/patient as her!
summore she uses proper stones and also nail polish from OPI. man... i wish i could afford OPI!
but nvm, cheap stuff shall do for now. i'll upgrade abit when im earning my own dough. muahaha~
on monday caroline came over and did her's too.
her's nicer rite? T_T
moving along, on sunday i teman-ed jo shopping at midvalley. as usual, even tho i was teman-ing her to shop, i ended up spending more than her -_-"
but i do have a purchase that im extremely proud of!
usually i just walk right past it coz i know i cant afford anything inside.
but since jo wanted to browse, i browsed too.
and then i saw it!
its a bit big, but nothing a little needlework of my own cant solve ;)
it pays to pay attention in kemahiran hidup (ekonomi rumah tangga) lessons. muahaha!!!
and oh ya, i took this picture because although i was having a bad face day (yes, there is such a thing as a bad face day, coz i say so =p), i was having an unusually good hair day :D
for once, instead of standing out in all directions, my hair obediently curled inwards in gradual layers. u cant really see it from the picture, but it was damn nice ok! *perasan*
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