that nite, we went to nanthini's (thini) apartment to swim and sleepover :)
karen n thini
me again...
ok, ok, last one!
resh n i
in the pool with resh!
oh yea, rmbr the love bite?
love bite!
i misjudged the depth of the water and just plunged down.
*sigh* y am i always so clumsy?!
im soo gonna get another keloid :(
for an example of a keloid, look at the round spot below my open wound T.T
resh, karen n i
what? u thought a painful wound like that was gonna stop me from having fun??? =p
camwhoring-pics-that-i-wont-bother-to-give-captions ahead:
and thats all!
btw, incase u still havent figured out why its soo dark in all the pics, its coz we went swimming at nite -_-"
and thini didnt swim coz coincidentally, she just injured her knee a few days ago.
after swimming we bathed, i cleaned my wound, we ate and then i had to do my consti homework to hand in the next day -_-"
and that was my valentines day!
imho, it went pretty well :D
err... except for the unwanted love bite T.T
Zomg with that love bite you should probably have gone home and nurse it!
wow u hv such a flat tummy haha
Argh, that looks painful.
Why cover up when you took your picture.
val: yea, but since i just got into the water, i thought i mite as well make the most of it :)
karen: HAHAHA~ and its all thanks to u!
simon: wad cover up? which pic?
cover up better. :P
is that white thing a dress? so short!
yes, mum -_-"
its a top that i got on sale from topshop. its too big, so i only wear it over my swimsuit.
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