like i said yesterday, i went to the spring with my parents.
we ate at sushi king.
i love ebiko!
wannabe artistic photo =p
we sat right next to the conveyor belt, so we could see how the sushi was prepared.
except that we were sitting at the wrong side, so the view wasnt quite so good -_-"
the conveyor belt was soo full of sushi!
everytime a customer took a plate of sushi, it would promptly be replaced.
however sushi king is still new and it remains to be seen if the staff will keep up the good work.
my mum's food
i forgot what its called =p
my dad greedily contemplating what to take next =p
digging in!
i interrupted my mum's meal to camwhore for a bit =p
my dad ordered this
i dont know what this dish is called, but its pregnant fish
brimming with fish roe
this dish looks soo festive and CNY-ish =p
all done!
my mum n i went to the loo while my dad waited for some dishes that my mum tapau-ed for my bro.
me likes the mosiac tiles in the loo =p
when we came back, the food still wasnt ready yet
so i went out of sushi king to camwhore while waiting for my dad =p
then we walked around looking at shoes. i found a pair of to-die-for heels, but they were a size too small and if i squeezed my feet into them and walked around for more than 5mins, they would be literally to-die-for (geddit?? =p). so i didnt get them.
we entered a store which sold cheap dresses n shoes. my mum brought 2 dresses into the dressing room to try on while i browsed around. then when she asked me to comment on the dresses she choose, i ended up snatching them from her and trying them on instead. muahaha!!!
dress 1
she didnt get this coz she thought it was too young for her
dress 2
its rather elegant :)
she bought this one.
i think "the spring" is very prettily decorated :D
love the colour scheme!
the next batch of photos is from the hair salon.
hair treatment
ta da!
i thought this was quite nice, but the hair dresser came and snipped away at my fringe, shortening and thinning it.
ta da again!
me thinks i look younger like this!
younger is always good :D
me likey
u likey?
as usual after a hair cut, i always obsess about my hair for awhile =p
at home, in my room and still obsessing...
now in my parent's room and STILL obsessing...
its nice rite?
rite rite rite?
what do u mean NO?!
i have no idea what you are talking about =p
the next following pics were taken in kenyalang (its a market place that ppl flock to, to buy CNY paraphernalia)
the same type of flower in 3 different colours
i cant decide which one i like best =p
more flower pics!
my mum liked this bouquet, partly coz orchids have a longer life
so my dad went back to buy it today =p
a mass of tents n ppl
sacks of dried sqiud and other foodstuff
or would u prefer to buy from buckets?
socks anybody?
dozens of vibrantly coloured cakes
kolo mee!
i managed to capture this pic while the girl walked past =p
my mum went to buy my bro's dinner while i waited for mine to be done and i managed to catch the entire process :D
1st she dumps in the seafood to this vat
then she opens the vat nxt to it and dumps in the noodles
she takes it out
and rinses it in a bucket of cold water
(the blue bucket behind the stove)
then she dunks it into the steaming vat again before emptying it onto a plate
mixing up the noodles in char siew oil to make it red
then she puts in the remaining fast-cooking seafood to boil
ie. prawns
placing it onto the noodles
and finally she garnishes it!
after a hurried dinner at home, chump n i rush off to IMH to watch a music recital.
it was the exit recital of these 3 musicians:
1st up was kathy:
i love her gown!
i know im supposed to comment on her playing, and not her dress, but u cant expect a tone deaf person like me to comment :S
btw, the pics arent that clear coz i was afraid to make noise, no flash was allowed and also coz i couldnt get a very clear view from my seat.
next up was benjamin moh
he smiles while he plays...
or maybe thats his normal expression. i dunno.
but i think he's smiling la... =p
the drummer
this guy was good!
i dunno wad intrument that's called, but its cool :)
then kathy came back to play another piece
then ben came back again too!
they read out each performer's achivements and he's very accomplished!
and he's going to further his studies in music abroad.
this time he played a different intrument.
i think he played 3 different instruments that night.
amazing stuff!
last and it seemed, the most popular (judging from the catcalls and applause), was lim swee joo
he played several different instruments too
he's kinda cute *shy*
some ppl may say that his hairstyle is ah beng-ish, but i think it suits him :)
i dunno anything about music, but i can tell he's really talented!
hmm... cute, young and talented!
i bet he has dozens of admirers already!
and he does seem comfortable the limelight...
i'd say, if he sings well, he'd fit right into a taiwanese boyband! =p
and thats all the pics i have of sunday!
You look a lot like the blogger Yuin Yin.
Am I the first one to say that?
yes u are. haha~
i met her the other day at "traffic jam", i didnt realise we looked alike :S
i shall go visit her blog to check. LOL~
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