these are pics from the dinner.
firstly, lemme introduce all of u to my lovelies :)
i got them from nose, just hours before the dinner :D
dont u just love the striking colour??? (say yes, or suffer my wrath. which is very wrath-ful indeed =p)
i bent down to take a pic of my heels, but i ended up taking such an artistic (well, at least I think it is) shot :D
unsatisfied, one last pic of my heels.
ahh... *satisfied*
we had dinner at "chef's special" in 3rd mile.
i had no idea that the rooms upstairs had karaoke available!
there was a misunderstanding as to the number of people that we booked for. thus, the room was too small.
everyone was cramped up
so my aunt went to complain and arrange more seats for us.
meanwhile, i didnt waste any time whipping my cam out!
roy n i
and me again!
me, diana, rong, angie!
this was a rather spontaneous shot. everyone was still running around when i pressed the timer button. then they all suddenly realised and rushed to pose! lol~
this one wasnt as spontaneous
i think i like the spontaneous one better =p
finally things were sorted out and we kids were booted out of the previous room and herded into a room of our own coz the previous room was too small to fit all of us. (err... i thought it was a REUNION dinner???)
the lights were colourful and could even be changed!
so wierd la, i felt more like i was in a ktv lounge than in a proper restaurant -_-"
but nevertheless, it was an interesting experience, made even better by the presence of loved ones :)
yee sang
doesnt look very appetizing rite?
its coz all the colourful ingredients were hidden at the bottom. i have no idea y they wanted to purposely make the dish look so unappetizing -_-"
presentation: fail!!!
this is the part where we toss it up as high as possible and mutter prosperous sayings.
i only know one saying, which i repeat every year "lung ma zhing shen"
i have no idea wad it means, something about dragon, horse and vitality???
guess wads this!
its sharks fin soup!
i find the presentation of food in this restaurant extremely odd!!!
taste wise, its ok lar. at least better than it looks.
oh! this reminds me of another saying! "nian nian yu yi"
direct translation would be every year got fish. haha~
embroidery on my top.
i dunno wad my top is called, its what chinese women used to wear as an undergarment in the olden days.
i bought it from china several years ago and only wore it once b4, so i'd still consider it new =p
boys being boys (or rather, pigs)
if ure wondering why the picture is soo loopsided, its coz we didnt want any boys in the pic. muahaha~
us again!
pretending to be sexy with roy
a more decent picture =p
uh oh, caught in the act!
a vege dish
"hair" that we have to eat every year
i forgot what it represents.
then horror of horrors, the kids found the mikes!!!
selection of artistes
hah! we caught u hogging the mikes! =p
customary camwhoring pictures:
looks so chinese rite???
faster hire me to act in some period drama! =p
i cant really remember what these are... seafood balls i think.
mushrooms n errr... abalone??
unfortunately i didnt get to eat as much of this dish as i wanted :(
coz i managed to drop a very succulent, juicy piece of duck onto my white outfit.
and that kinda ruined my love for duck.
as for the other dishes, i didnt get to eat much either because with the exception of us three girls, the rest of the table was occupied by growing boys. so at the rate that i eat, by the time i reach for something, its most likely finished T_T
then i popped by at the adults rooms for while and came back with camwhoring props!
oh goodness, why am i like this?! -___-"
so strong!
roys turn to pose!
note lil ah wei cuzzie at the back....
when we asked ah wei to come into the picture, he gave exactly the same pose as before!
soo adorableeeeeeeee~
i think i unleashed the camwhore in him...
and them too!!!
oh gawd, wad evil influence i am!
these kids are naturals!
(but then again maybe its from years of watching me do it -_-"
ok, i exaggerated, i only started last yr =p)
while everyone was singing chinese songs, i drank chinese tea =p
lil copycat!
see... all so asyik!
hmm.. i wonder who he's sms-ing.... *nosy cousin radar has been alerted*
im not the only one taking pics!
(except that he isnt taking pics of himself, he's taking pics of his kids =p)
angie, me and roy's mum
she looks soo young rite??? i hope i get her genes. LOL~
me n ben who's currently studying medicine in taiwan
i think i havent seen him for nearly a year! or has it been over a year??
we're the same age and he's a few months older than me, but soo much taller! *jealous*
but how to compete, he's a guy! :(
actually chump is already much taller than me *glare*
he's not a camwhore, so he looked kinda stiff in pics. they got him to put an arm around me to look more natural, but it obviously didnt help. HAHA~
ok lar, slightly less stiff =p
ur hair looks nice. u permed it or used the hair-dryer thingy?
who so eng take all those camwhore pics for u?
i think ben's studying dentistry leh..
piggy boy looks cute.
su-weet hair amy! whoaa sharks fin. i haven't had that this year =P because of the possibility of mercury content in sharks fin =P kidding haha
cherie: i used the hairdryer thingy.
it rotated between chump and roy. haha~
sam: he is! but he can be a real monster at times :(
thanx! it took me a loooooong time to do it! we only had it once. i dun think there was much sharks fin inside anyway. lol~
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