at first, it was strange seeing all of them again after about a year apart. but everyone was as friendly as i remembered, so all was good :D
the purpose of the gathering was to celebrate brandon's birthday and it was also a farewell dinner for esther and brandon as they were going back to australia to study.
esther's generous parents, treated us all to dinner at "unique seafood restaurant" in PJ.
four seasons
i dont know what this is called, but the yellow stuff was yolk. which i felt rather sakai about, because it meant that for each of these little things, an egg was used. gawd, how many eggs does this restaurant use in a day???
fine, ure not interested =p
sharks fin soup (if im not mistaken)
damn, super kao nice!!!
i took 2nd helpings. tee hee~
roast chicken
i eat very slowly, so i was always one dish behind people. so by the time i finished my soup, this was what's left -_-''
i have no idea what this dish was called. contrary to its spicy looking sauce, it wasnt spicy at all. rather, it was sweet-ish.
marmite (?) prawns
these were GOOD!
and somebody *cough*caroline*cough* loved them soo much that she ate about 7!
vege dish
i never bother to find out the name of this dish although its quite a staple in chinese restaurants =p
man... its soo obvious why im not a food blogger -_-"
for the slighter dimmer lot who dont understand why its soo obvious, its because i dont know the names of food eventhough i eat them often, i always forget to take a picture before everyone mutilates the dish and lastly, because my taste is wierd. im damn finicky when it comes to food, however, besides foods that i hate, almost everything else tastes the same level of good -_-"
oh ya, and i know its very dumb, but the only way i know something isnt fresh (aside from it rotting) is when somebody complains that it isnt fresh -_-"
post-dinner wine
one of the many versions of my trademark pose.
i think im gonna change my trademark pose. because kai says its not outstanding enough. and quite frankly, i find it unflattering and am heartily sick of it (hence me not mentioning it at all lately) =p
su ann, brandon and esther
jocelyn, mei yan, yi ying
janice and caroline
it was sticky cake fried with yam and sweet potato.
my 1st taste of sticky cake this year! *big shiny eyes*
i love sticky cake!!! especially when my grannie fries it with egg or flour, or both! *swoons*
after dinner, we thanked esther's parents and adjourned to jocelyn's house.
super yummy cake!
i forgot what cake it was, but i remember that it was not a tiramisu although it tasted like one! -_-"
su ann, brandon and caroline
he huffs and he puffs!
he's doing linguistics! i didnt manage to tell him, but im extremely glad that he's following his heart. so brandon, if u read this, im proud of u! =p
group picture!
standing: mei yan, su ann, brandon, caroline and jocelyn
seated: nick, yi ying, esther, janice and me
we were supposed to be doing the "act cute" pose. i didnt change pose coz i thought nobody was doing the act cute thing. darn. i can act darned cute too ok! =p
dinner was great and the company was hilarious :D
i'll miss all of them, but a few particularly more, as i clicked slightly better with them :)
When I don't know a food name, I just main hentam saja.
haha... im scared i hentam very wrong, then someone will spot my mistake.
very generous indeed of esther's parents as this unique seafood's pricing is quite expensive
yea, just by looking at the ingredients they used, i cold tell it was gonna cost a bomb!
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