ta da!
the box is purple summore :D
finally i can curl my hair without using the grannie curlers :D
am gonna experiment with it this CNY!
ok, now back to the tag.
its a very embarassing tag lar... im only doing it coz i like reading the tag-er's (suet li) blog soo much. (and also coz i happen to be back home so i have access to all my ancient photo albums.)
click HERE to read her blog.
lets start from the beginning:
i have no idea what i was doing...
this is cherie (my sister)
i was looking for ugly old pics of me and came across an ugly old pic of her instead.
lets all point at her and laugh!
im the one in front.
i dunno y i used to do wierd poses like that.
i think its coz i thought it was cool or something *cringes of embarrassment*
but cherie's poses are even wierder ok!
i dont even feel like pointing out which one i am :(
fine, im the one with the bright hairband
note the huge spectacles!
y embarrass only myself when i have phots of other ppl as well!
im furthest left on the front row and thats carol nxt to me!
but she memang always pretty one lar...
ron, its emmeline in the back row 2nd from the right!
and i think thats serena in the back row, 3rd from the left!
im front row furthest left again n carol is nxt to me.
(ok, dun kill me girls, u were all very cute ok!)
ok la... all those pics were actually not that bad.
from this point on, adolescence hit me.
and boy did it hit hard!
transvestite look-a-like :(
passport sized pictures are evil i tell u!
think those pictures were ugly?
it gets worse :(
impersonation of "betty yo soy la fea"
omg, so ugly can die :(
shiny face and pimples summore...
i dunno which year this was, spot me!
form 2
im in the front row, furthest right.
thats all my "before" pics.
i hope ure satisfied with the level of ugly-ness :(
as for my after pics, read the post below. hehe~
i tag, whoever is shameless enuf to do this tag!
I was gonna ask who that girl was... I didn't know it was CAROL! :S :P
On a sidenote, salutes to you for being so brave!
so unrecognizable mer? i knew it was her at 1st glance! but then again, its my picture =p
maybe its because i looked like that, that u didnt talk to me in high school... hmm... =p
haha not thaaat ugly what! when we were young everyone looked like that too wtf
take down that closed-eyes photo of me!!!! next time i go home find uglier pics of youuuu
ooh.. i thought i'm the only one who looked sooo "gonjeng" (malay version of 'ugliness during school years'), it seems everybody is!
But err.. those beautiful friends of yours in the pics, nowadays must be extremely beautiful right? *wink* *wink*
Hahaha, I especially think that the transvestite pic looks funny ! :P Makes me lol every time.
suet li: dun need to comfort me. at least i look gorgeous now wtf
cherie: i found all my damn ugly pics and put them up dy! useless threat! =p
iwan: haha... they're still good looking lar *jealous*
ron: ok ok! u can stop staring already! chis bedebah kau! i dare u to do this tag!
Dun worry la... it isn't exactly very nice.........
to stare....
haha :D
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