Sunday, August 08, 2010

i think my blogging has evolved to just posting my life itineraries -_-"

so its time for another update.

my last day of work was last friday and on my last few days of work, i was really racking my brain, thinking what else did i need from harrods before i could no longer use the staff discount. i couldnt come up with anything important, so that was rather anticlimactic -_-"

i did however buy some godiva chocs and some laduree macaroons ;)

alot of my peers are enjoying life right now, chilling and bumming around... actually they started doing that since june when their exams ended. i cant deny that i slightly envy them, but bumming around does tend to get mighty boring after a few weeks of it *comforts self*

compared to them, my life is still on fast forward. now that im done working at harrods, i've gotta prepare for my re-sits which will end on 17/8. after that i've got to pack up my shitloads of crap and arrange for their collection and shipping. plus i gotta finish up the mountains of food that i have lying about the house, and i intend on trying to sell some stuff on ebay and giving the rest away to juniors or whoever i know who lives in london. i've also got another session at the saloon that i've got to use up. then on 27/8 - 30/8 i'll be off to prague. on 31/8, imma sit my ass on a MAS airplane and whoosh back to Malaysia.

u'd think i'd finally be able to start chilling back home right? but noooo on 13/9 i'll be jetting off to shanghai to check out about teaching english there in exchange for learning chinese. i'll be back on 20/9 and thats where the plans have reached. anything beyond that is to be seen. if the programs they have are appealing and suitable, then i'll prolly go over to china to teach english. quite exciting :D

(eh, if i go to shanghai, i would have lived in some of the worlds most metropolitan cities! kuala lumpur, london, shanghai! err... actually KL is not in the list, but its up and coming! wtf
next on my list are either NYC/LA/Tokyo.... but no la, im not too serious in trying to live in all the most metropolitan cities in the world. it was just a thought that occured to me... but u know what happens when a person gets an idea... [inception =p] )

if i dont go to china to teach english... i might stay in kuching and chamber or maybe try my luck in kl. but whats more appealing to me would be to try my luck at being an air stewardess. damn, if only i didnt get motion sickness quite so easily :(

but i iz also wans to bum around doing nothing... oh wait, i iz done that for nearly my entire degree course already. wtf
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