Saturday, October 18, 2008


im off to london again this weekend!

dun worry mum, im not gonna spend much =p

a few days ago, i noticed that my radiator didnt seem to be working. so i told reception (sounds like hotel. wtf) and the guy told me that the radiator only turns on when the temperature hits a certain low. but i must have seemed very insistent, because about half an hour later, he was knocking at my door to check out my radiator.

so i let him in and he took out my radiator's knob and did some adjustments. then he told me that he had adjusted it so that the radiator would on at a slightly higher temperature. then he asked what country i was from and was very sympathetic about adjusting to the temperature and all that. so much so that i felt guilty. coz the real reason i wanted the radiator on was so that i could dry my clothes on it, not because i couldnt take the cold (my room was actually quite warm at that time =p).


yapthomas said...

haha dry ur cloths! :p

Simon Seow said...

what the freak? guilty as charged.

amb3r1te said...

yapthomas: its very useful! =p

simon seow: *lost*

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