Sunday, February 22, 2009

umbilical cord

i have a question. one that bugs me because i cant figure it out.

this question pops into my mind occasionally, brought to mind by certain incidents, movies or stories, and it pesters me right up until the time which i forget about it, but soon i am reminded of it again.

i may seem very ignorant in asking this, but what happens to the umbilical cord once a baby is born and the cord has been severed?

i mean its still hanging out from the mothers orifice right??

what happens to it???

does it shrivel and drop off immediately or what?

does it somehow retreat into the mothers body?

and i've heard of an incident where the pregnant lady accidentally shitted out (for the lack of more accurate words) the fetus into the toilet bowl when she was using the toilet. how is that possible when there is the existence of the umbilical cord?

wont the baby be hanging out of the body then?

err... can somebody give me a biology lesson?

oi, dont look at me like that la, i was an art student ok. chis.


eDine said...

whats google and wikipedia for

amb3r1te said...

eh.. i searched it in wikipedia dy. it doesnt say. the articles always talk about the cord on the baby only. what about the mum??

Lydia Teh said...

Amy, you'll know when you become a mummy :)

Btw, there's a new contest at my blog :

Hope you check it out and enter! Thanks.

amb3r1te said...

lydia teh: lol! i will, it seems simple enough :D

Anonymous said...

the biblical cord attach to something looks like balloon.In malay it's call uri,in chinese i dun know lar...but remember in China they have this thing uri soup,to make u look younger.Ctn~so the cord attach to the uri,and the uri osso after that would come out...the malay would bring it back home,clean it and tanam...Chinese ppl i dun know.Source:my bro is a doctor..

amb3r1te said...

ohhh... i see! thanks! :D

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