Saturday, December 25, 2010

xmas time!

I’m very happy to be learning a lot… im not getting much individual attention, but its understandable coz it’s the end of the year and everyone is crazy busy. It’s a great time to be working though, coz this way I get to do so many things in a shorter span of time as compared to if it were during the slower months of the year. Basically, I’m getting to learn more in less time! On the other hand it means busy busy busy!

But it still beats the KL schedule I suppose. Not that I’ve had any experience of it before, but from what I’ve heard of it, its nuts!

Xmas is coming up! Ive got celebrations all lined up this week. 1st celebration was last night, for winter solstice. We had a steamboat! But I didn’t enjoy it so much coz I prefer to have my own individual pot for steamboat… coz im just a dictator like that =p

Then tonight im going over to jo’s place for a potluck party. Im bringing bananas! Super wtf right? LOL but its an inside joke ok! Let me tell u what happened…

(note: jo is bananas over bananas)

I wanted to see jo’s cover letter and CV, so I texted her something like:

“Please send me your cover letter and CV for consideration. Lucrative salary offered: 1 bunch of bananas a month.”

After some negotiation, she raised it to 2 bunches of bananas and ice cream or something then sent me her docs.

Ever since, she’s been bugging me for bananas! Even after I pointed out that she was sending me her docs FOR CONSIDERATION only. Sucker! Muahaha

But since im soo nice and all, I’ll bring bananas tonight for her potluck party! Hahahahaha…

Tonight looks set to be a fun night with the lodgians :D

Tomorrow night, my family is gonna celebrate xmas eve dinner! Did I mention that we already have an xmas tree up?? It was up since a week or two ago! We even got it new lights coz the old ones went kaput. Its very pwetty :D

For dinner, we ordered turkey from swak club and I ordered marinated lamb leg from ting & ting. I’ll stick it into the oven when I get home from work and my sis is gonna do mashed potatoes! Not sure what we’re gonna do for veggies yet though.

And on xmas, were going out for dinner to celebrate my paternal grannie’s birthday! A full course Chinese meal its gonna be!

How are u celebrating?

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