this ladies and gentlemen, is called be deen/ bidin
its a kind of vegetable found in certain areas of the world only and sarawak is lucky enough to be one of those places :D
honestly though, its really a kind of fern. a very delicious one though =p
i love it fried in red wine *slurps*
ok, that was a really random picture. lolz~
the following pictures were taken one night when i went out with bernie, chris n jason.
triple date. wtf
no la, just that the rest of the girls couldnt make it -_-"
my newly rebonded hair.
its kinda oily coz ure not suppsed to wash it till 3 days after the rebonding, and this was the 2nd day.
i was still trying to get used to my hair, hence the camwhoring.
that's jason on the right
we ate at atmosfera, its a new eatery in kuching.
the food took forever and a day to arrive
no prizes for guessing who this is! wtf
my tomato kueh tiaw
btw, if any of you are looking for a new place in kuching to eat, do NOT go to atmosfera.
its blardy expensive, the portions are small, the food is so bad that its inedible, and the service sucks!
my kueh tiaw tasted like it was drowned in hp sauce. hello, its TOMATO kueh tiaw, not hp sauce kueh tiaw! -_____-
if u normally eat with me, u'll know i always try to polish off my plate. but this was soo bad that i could only go so far as half the plate, then i had to admit defeat. i felt so sayang seeing all the food go to waste (actually i felt more sorry for the money that i was wasting) :(
after dinner, we crossed the road to "the spring".
we went there to try out some dessert place, but they only served ice-cream, so went left and went to good old "bing" :D
jason n bernie sharing a gay moment. wtf
whoops, the flash was a tad bright =p
my brownie!
yes la, i know its practically tradition for me to take at least one picture of a brownie from bing everytime i go back -_-"
somebody's (bernie?) choc cake
somebody's (bernie??) dunno-wad-drink (tiramisu??)
after dessert, we were still not satisfied with our gluttony, so we went to this so called "secret shop" recommended by bernie =p
it was a kolo mee stall
my kolo mee and i
haihhhh... eat so much food! no wonder la i gained a whole kg when i went back! chis!
but i wasnt such a big glutton ok, i shared half the kolo mee with chris! (as if that made a huge difference -_-")
ok, now back to random pictures!
guess what was found in the backyard of my house!
a centipede!
damn huge and black i tell u!
summore the night before, i was walking around barefoot in that area, in the dark, because i showered late and was dumping my clothes into the laundry bag.
what a close call! *shivers*
did u just lose your appetite?
here lemme help u regain it:
kolo mee!
nah closeup summore!
with cha siow yu (cha siew oil), my favourite!
then on another night, i went out with edine n adrian :)
i looked very very crappy, so i cropped myself out =p
open air siow bee!!!
no pictures of edine coz she's a sardine. wtf
and on another separate occasion, i went out with edine n feng!
feng, i missed u! (who cares about edine)
the-unfortunate-camera holder, feng n edine
i was so hating rebonded hair...
u know i once swore that i would NEVER straighten my hair (rebonding not straighten wad! *tries to give excuse*), but look what happened -_-"
anyhows, i did it on a whim and i guess im kinda getting used to it now. its not so bad afterall :)
but i do still prefer my natural hair
ps: ok la, i missed u too edine =p
Siow Bee!!!!!!
I WANT!!!!!!!!!!!
oh... oh... oh..
you dont miss ME?????
oh ok so you do
kamkuey: i want too!!! these pics were taken quite a few weeks ago. lolz~
edine: cheh... didnt read properly =p
kolo mee kolo mee kolo mee kolo mee kolo mee kolo mee kolo mee kolo mee kolo mee !!!!!!!!!!
joshuaongys: *gloats* =p
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