Thursday, December 18, 2008


despite reading up alot on drugs, i realize that i have no inkling as to the scope of drugs.

i dont even know how they look. if some one put one in my hand, id think it were just powder or weeds (lalang) :S

and im am so utterly clueless as to their intake (whats the right word???) of drugs. rolled up in a leaf? smashed and inhaled? injected? but what does it really look like in this process? pictures dont explain nearly enough.

i feel both utterly repelled and curious.

curiosity is dangerous is it not? ;)

but no worries, my revulsion is too strong. my parents and school instilled it deep into me. smoking bad. drugs bad.

many of my peers do weed. so many that its nearly becoming a norm. so many that sometimes it begins to feel like im making a big deal out of nothing. so many that my distress seems out of place. so many that advicing them against it, makes me feel like im an overly righteous snob.

but i know im right.

and they should really know better.


Anonymous said...

don't do drugs...

amb3r1te said...

i wont. no way :)

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